Friday, April 13, 2012

Hatching thoughts

There are times I feel more like a hen sitting on her eggs; I sit forever on a thought until it finally hatches. Right now I'm trying to come up with my own spiritual/character development curriculum for my kids. I want to root it in knowing God relationally, learning how to hear His voice, and learning what He's like in order to be like Him. I don't think scripture based curriculum cuts it, but I don't want to entirely cut out scripture memory.

One of my favorite studies I grew up learning from was from these enormous Character Sketch books. Each lesson would posit a character quality, like kindness, and then have a bible story and a story from nature to back it up. I want to use these to illustrate God's character.

I also really enjoy allegorical stories. This is a great one. Seeker's Great Adventure is an allegorical story of getting to know Jesus.

The other thing I don't have fully fleshed out is a continuing talk about intimacy and sex. I've already started a little bit with Providence, but I want it to be an ongoing discussion instead of these huge events. The girls get to see Adam and I loving on each other, so I think that is already going a long way into establishing what intimacy in marriage looks like.

So these are just my thoughts right now...not yet hatched, but cooking. :D

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