Monday, February 13, 2012

God Preservation

Psalm 16:1 Preserve me, O God, for take refuge in You.

How we respond to bad news or calamity is a great barometer of our psychological and spiritual health. This past week my husband and I received some bad news that affects possibilities for future choices. When my husband told me the news, my heart plummeted. Before my descent into the depths of despair, I started to remind myself of who I was and Who God is. It took a couple of hours to recover, but I regained hope and I believe that His plans for me are better than I thought they were. We will be ok, my family will flourish and our financial and spiritual prospects are unimaginably great. There are moments when I grab my son and squeeze him and say, "I've got you!", at which he giggles. When news hits you like a baseball bat to the knees, remember that He's got you. 

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