Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Psalm 27:8 My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming." NLT

My favorite place doesn't exist. My favorite place is quiet and serene, and I can spend at least an hour just soaking in His Presence, inventing songs, playing the piano, and listening to the wind of His voice. I say it doesn't exist because I can't seem to find it. My kids are noisy and I homeschool, which means they are with me all the time. My year-old son doesn't like to sleep through the night so I wake up late, and the first things I hear in the morning is not the wind of His voice, it is Micaiah asking for chocolate milk. I'm an introvert with no alone time.
A wonderful friend of mine let me off the hook today. She said that it is unlikely that I get to have the perfect night with my husband daily, so I have to get little bits where I can. She gave me this verse which perfectly stated how I felt; '"Lord, I am coming"'. 
A wise man once said, "Your spirit opens to what you set your mind upon." So I may not get my perfect worshipful oasis, but I set my mind on Him. I say little prayers, like love notes in my head. I listen to great teaching while I do housework...or amazing worship. Teaching expands my mind, and worship softens my heart. Just focusing on His words, His thoughts and His song prepares the way for those chance special times. Anticipating...

Song of Solomon 5:4 My lover thrust his hand through the latch-opening; my heart began to pound for him.

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