Friday, August 2, 2013

Jesus, the Law Breaker

One of the best and one of the worst things ever given to me was being born into a Christian family. I was taught from very young about pleasing God and how to go about it. The fear of hell scared me into salvation at the age of six. As I grew up, I learned all about the right things to do and the right things to think. I was trained into pseudo holiness.

Imagine my surprise when, becoming a grownup I asked God to pour Himself out on me. After all, I am a mature Christian. Right?


What I wasn't trained to do was hear from God and develop a relationship  with Him. I was just supposed to automatically do it. Godly principles are there to tell you that you are hearing from God...right?


If Jesus is perfect theology, let's look at Him. He did everything right. Right?


Jesus was born owing money. To the government. That's what taxes are.

Jesus ran away from his parents, initially refused his mother at Cana, and left His father's (Joseph's) business. Dishonor and Disobedience? Oh dear.

After the age of thirty, Jesus didn't have a job. He didn't save money. Hence, fishing for the tax money.

Jesus depended on others for support. Wealthy women and sinners funded his ministry.

Jesus did not obey the Law. He healed on the Sabbath, lost His temper in the Synogogue, and disobeyed and argued with the religious leaders.

So, what did Jesus have? He had relationship with His Father. He spent a huge amount of time with Him. He even said that one could see what the Father was like by looking at himself. Scandalous.

When did the Law come in Biblical history? After being set free from Egypt and after refusing relationship with God in order to have Moses as a go between.

The Law is for slaves. The Law reveals sin and emphasizes the chasm between us and God. And the Law cannot bring us to God because not one of us has the capability of performing ourselves into God's grace. That's what Jesus did. Jesus, the Law Breaker.

Ok, so that can of worms is open now. I'm a baby, and obeying rules won't make me anything other than a baby. Or a slave.

First step to freedom is seeing. I guess I need help. ;)

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