Friday, June 28, 2013

Know God, Know Thyself, Know Others

I am growing more and more convinced that relationship is the single most important thing in life. Everything else is designed to be used as tools to facilitate relationship.

My family culture put a high value on education. My mom stayed home to homeschool all seven of us. You'd think that relationship would have been easy in a big family, but it was a big unhealthy family. Relationship was only based on being together and intellectual discourse. No one shared their heart because it was unsafe. No one really knew anyone because it takes safety and trust to get close and we had none.

I want to use the term know as it was used in Genesis. The Hebrew term is yada, as in, Adam knew Eve. No, it does not mean sex. It means to know soul and spirit intimately. Because Adam and Eve were husband and wife, it also included body. Sex is merely a fruit of intimacy, but it is not the only fruit.

If I could paraphrase the two greatest Commandments as Jesus referred to them, it would be as follows: God says, Know me, Know yourself, Know others. Everything else does matter, but it should matter out of the abundance of these three.

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