Monday, July 1, 2013

Love God, Love Yourself, Love Others Pt 2

Why do you do the things you do? Why did you get up this morning? Did you get dressed? Go to work? Make breakfast and do the dishes? Talk to your kids?

Why did you do all those things? Because you should? If you didn't work there wouldn't be any money? Any other reasons?

Bob Hamp describes sin as the absence of God in the human heart. I find this very convicting. Sin is not behavior; it's the fruit of the heart. Every area that I haven't submitted to God is an area for self and the enemy to operate.

As believers, we should operate out of abiding in Jesus. Our behavior should flow out of relationship with Him. How we think and feel and act toward ourselves should flow out of relationship with Him. How we think and feel and act towards others should flow out of relationship with Him.

A few years ago I realized I cleaned my house because I thought I should. It is accepted behavior in our society for a wife and mother to keep a clean house. I didn't want anyone to think ill of me, or my husband to criticize me. When I realized why I was doing it, my willpower to do it vanished. I still find it hard, even convicting to clean my house because I should. I only find energy or heart to do it because I find joy in a peaceful and clean environment. That was a work only Jesus could do in me.

Start asking yourself why you do things. If you dare. ;) I hope they entirely dismantle you like they did to me.

Life on this earth is more about Being than Doing. Abiding in Jesus comes first.

May your day be blessedly wrecked. :)
